Carolyn Perez » District Leadership Directory

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Carolyn Perez

Area 10 Director
Photo of Carolyn Perez

Biographical Info

Carolyn worked as an Administrative Assistant for various major corporations such as Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Chemical Plant, and Hoffman La Roche. In 2009, she joined Toastmasters to overcome her fear of public speaking, a journey that took her a year to make her first speech. Since then, Carolyn has actively contributed to Toastmasters, holding roles such as VP Education, VP Public Relations, and President of the Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters Club.
Beyond her professional and Toastmasters achievements, Carolyn’s most significant role is that of a caregiver for her mother, who has been battling Dementia/Alzheimer’s for the past nine years. . She is also a proud mother to four daughters and a grandmother to eight wonderful grandchildren, whom she clearly adores.

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