Marie Cine » District Leadership Directory

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Marie Cine

Area 11 Director
Photo of Marie Cine

Biographical Info

Marie Cine joined Toastmasters six years ago (2018) because she decided that she wanted to become a better public speaker and more effective leader. Since then, Marie has served in the roles of VP Education, Secretary, and Treasurer for the Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters Club, which she has represented in numerous speech contests at different levels of competition. Professionally, Marie has been employed in the public sector for over 17 years where she has held various posts. While actively pursuing her career, she obtained a master’s degree in Human Resources Management from Nova Southeastern University and has served as Marketing Chair for the South Florida Chapter of National Forum for Black Public Administrators. She is passionate about personal growth and learning, and hopes to motivate and inspire others to pursue their dreams beyond the ordinary.

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