Club Growth Team and Resources


  • Clubs that have 12 or less members qualify to receive help from a Club Coach.
  • A coach cannot be a current member, or a member for at least the last year of the club being coached.
  • Club Presidents and Club Coaches must complete the Club Coach Training on Basecamp.
  • Coaches will be assigned for a minimum of 6 months up to 2 years.
  • Clubs will benefit from quarterly meetings with other clubs in the coaching program.
  • Coaches will have monthly meetings to collaborate with other coaches and the Club Growth Team.

Need a club coach?

Please complete the form below and our Club Retention Chairs, Eleasha Knowles and Gary Martin, will contact you.

    Select Club Type

    Interested in volunteering?

    Whether you are interested in supporting a new club or an existing club, we need you! Please complete the form below and the CGD Team will reach out to connect you with a club that needs your help.

      Select Select all Volunteer Roles you are interested in:

      Select Preferred Location for meetings (check all that apply):

      These are some videos on Membership Building that you may find useful.